The Making of – “Here’s Hoping!!!” – Episode #14/Chapter 10. “To smoke or not to smoke???”

To smoke or not to smoke??? “Here’s Hoping!!!” Episode #14. NEW shoot location. This time I’m on a fishing pier of an RV campground. Much to the annoyance of the onlooking fishermen, I occupied this space for quite some time (about 3 hours, to be exact) & came in their way of getting the catch of the day. Little did they know that creativity does not work well with time constraints (nor with word limits for that matter). Works of art require time. Haste makes waste… not art. They did leave me alone, eventually, realizing their impatient sighs weren’t going to deter me from keeping at it. Life’s all about making a decision and sticking to it. Once I had decided I was going to shoot on a certain day, I was going to shoot, come what may – inclement weather, talkative passersby, admiring onlookers, amused hikers, spooked joggers, inquisitive park rangers, wild encounters (no pun intended), impatient fishermen, & what have you… & that was that!!! The sun was shining brightly. And with little or no concern for a work of art in progress threw its beaming smile at me with full glare. Oh, & did I mention it was windy as well??? Fun times!!!


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